Intercontinental electricks | Profåndation


There will be everything... Romanian folk music, experimental electronics, Brazilians!



Behopp: 1000huf

With the support of Profåndation and Ganjálló.

One evening, three different music, three different cultures.


19:00 - Ganjálló

20:00 - Profåndation

21:00 - Brazilian Samba de Roda

First music by the duo Ganjálló, playing mainly Romanian or other Balkan (folk) music. Mirkó Németh on saxophone, János Szirmai on accordion.

The second act is Profåndation, rococo machine humming, baroque sampling, urban aesthetics. András Iker on guitar, Mirkó Németh on saxophone, Marcell Kepe on analogue synth.

And finally, another cultural outlook, Samba de Roda, Brazilian musicians from Italy are joined by Brazilian or non-Brazilian musicians living in Hungary. Members of the Tunan Capoeira group (Budapest, Bologna) on stage. The growing list of names; Primo, Marcelo Finco, Bob Zé...



Se nem foglaltház, se nem romkocsma, de mindenképpen olyan közösségi tér és kultúrgócpont, ami olyan egykori történelmi helyek hagyományát viszi tovább, mint a Kultiplex vagy a West Balkán.

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