Konyha x Söndörgő



One of the most exciting musical collaborations in recent years has undoubtedly been between Konyha, a band that originated in the alternative scene and has been delivering radio hits with strong lyrics (Replayed a Hundred Times, Earthly, Always Here, War Fish), and Söndörgő, a band that has now established a strong presence on the world music scene and is reinterpreting the traditions of South Slavic folk music. Anyone who was lucky enough to catch one of their two joint gigs last year will know that, as surprising as this pairing may sound, the result is an elemental and unparalleled sound from the eleven-piece line-up.

At the request of the Road Movie project, the two groups have confessed their love for their hometown Szentendre in a joint song (Hazahaza). While recording the song, it was clear that the team had so many musical ideas in common that they could easily make a full evening concert out of it - and this time they gave proof of it. It's an adventure, and the two teams are constantly and enjoyably kneading and nurturing this common musical leaven.

In the joint concert, the two bands will take to the stage together after an hour of their own repertoire and continue their uninhibited yet natural adventure between musical genres: mixing authentic southern Slavic music with rock, pop, jazz, funk - all the styles the performers grew up with.



Badics Márk - drums

Dániel Haller - bass guitar, guitar

Mátyás Szepesi - vocals, guitar


Eredics Áron - prima tambura, tambura samica, darbuka, vocals

Benjámin Eredics - viola tambura, trumpet, vocals

Eredics Dávid - clarinet, saxophone, kaval, prímtambura, bass prímtambura, vocals

Eredics Salamon - accordion, flute, hulusi, bass tambura

Dénes Ábel - double bass


Peter's Terrace

After Peter's Balaton brand, we dreamed up a place in Balatonakarattya, the Terrace.

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