John Maus (US), Vidal


John Maus (US)

It says a lot about a piece of music if you can listen to it over and over again, for hours and hours. Such music becomes epochal, memorable, important pieces later on, and if we can help John Maus' music achieve such status by even an inch, then so be it, because it deserves it.

If we want to place him in the coordinate system of popular music, we should look to Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti and Panda Bear, or the house of more recent avant-garde pop and dreampop/chillwave.




The roots of the trio that became the Bedroom Project go back to the Anglo-Saxon music of the '70s and '80s, and the lyrics are an attempt to bring something new to the Hungarian language. Last year, they released their first album, Temessük el a p*csába, and the song Rengeteg (A lot) from the album was also accompanied by a video, which was awarded at the 07th Hungarian Video Awards.


A38 Ship

Converted from a coal-mining ship, the A38 is easily Budapest's most unique concert venue. The belly of the ship has been home to a wide range of live and electronic music for almost 20 years, and when it's full you can feel the rhythmic movement of the partygoers making waves in the Danube. Foreign acts often refer to it afterwards as their favourite club.

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