

Film soundtracks on an organ? Why not?  But how will they sound?



More exciting than you would think, as the canopy above our heads descends to provide the audience in the gallery with an unparalleled acoustic experience. Now, the organ will literally be placed in a new light as we find out that not only serious church works sound good on the instrument, but also lighter genres too. The organist Csaba Tasi, a young, versatile musician who graduated from the Liszt Academy, performs concerts, composes, plays at church services, and teaches. His repertoire centres on 20th century Hungarian music and contemporaries. This time, however, he will delight his listeners with well-known melodies from film soundtracks.


Müpa Budapest

Müpa Budapest is one of Hungary's best-known cultural brands and one of the most modern cultural institutions, bringing together different artistic disciplines in a unique way: it hosts classical, contemporary, light, jazz and world music, opera, new circus, dance, literature and film.

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