Hang Massive


Come and let yourself be captivated by the enchanting, dreamy sounds and sights of the latest show from Hang Massive!



In 2024, Hang Massive will return to the Aquarium Club to present their latest live music experience, bringing with them a fusion of ambient soundscapes, captivating rhythms and the mystical sounds of the handpan.

They invite us on a journey together through the universal language of music. Join us and let's discover together the profound transformative power of sound and music.

Together we create the moment - your presence makes every concert a magical and powerful experience! Buy tickets now to be part of the Sound Massive movement.



As they describe themselves, it is Budapest's most frequented venue, which is also multifunctional. Akvárium is great for award ceremonies, afternoon coffees and, most importantly, concerts, thanks to the well-picked, cross-genre selection.

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