Analog Balaton
The duo of Zsuffa Aba and Vörös Ákos, Analog Balaton was founded in Budapest in 2017. They are considered one of the most exciting bands in the country and have also opened for Bonobo, Weval and Bob Moses. From the very beginning, the band's sound has been based on acoustic guitar music and darker-toned, pulsating electronics. The evolution of their career is unique in many ways. They hadn't even recorded a song before they were playing sold-out live-act parties all over the country. Analog Balaton, who were gaining ground in the local underground scene, finally released their first full-length album in 2021. The nine-track 'Down' remained faithful to the improvisational, monotone electronica of the beginning, but with a very strong lyric centricity.
The album is a story of broken evenings, languid mornings and lonely sadness, and the honest lines hit home immediately, with 'Down' an undivided success with both the industry and the public. In 2022, there was no festival without Analog Balaton, and in the same year, their next single 'Csússz le' (Slide Down) landed with contributors such as Csaba Szendrői (Elephant) or 6363 (Gege). Zsuffa Aba and Vörös Ákos didn't slow down in 2023 either, after their national tour they performed at the country's biggest open-air venue, Budapest Park, appeared in András Hajós' Dalfutár show and at the end of the year they won the Music Hungary Showtime Award, topped it all off with a double sold-out Akvárium Nagyhall concert. This year will be an exciting one for the duo in more ways than one, with the arrival of their new album and the return of Analog Balaton to Kobuci on 13 July to tune up the familiar analogue beats with a more raucous vision than ever before.
Guest: Kolibri