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Karzatkoncert - filmzenék orgonán


Film music on the organ? Why not?! But how will it sound? More exciting than you might think, as the sound projector, which is mostly suspended above your head, descends and the audience seated on the armrests are treated to an unparalleled acoustic experience.



The organ is now literally seen in a new light, and it turns out that it is not only the serious church works that sound good on this instrument, but also lighter genres.

János Túri-Nagy will play a selection of film scores. The young performer graduated from the Liszt Academy of Music with a degree in organ performance, and in 2024 he also completed a course in chorepetition. During his studies he perfected his playing under the guidance of the greatest organists from Hungary and abroad.


Müpa Budapest

Müpa Budapest is one of Hungary's best-known cultural brands and one of the most modern cultural institutions, bringing together different artistic disciplines in a unique way: it hosts classical, contemporary, light, jazz and world music, opera, new circus, dance, literature and film.

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