On 31 January you can enjoy a unique and unrepeatable experience in the Dürer Kert! Just as the sold-out TRAFÓ performance was a collective experience, the TRANSITION event is no less: we move from analogue to digital, from dark to light, from organic to synthetic. We are preparing new transcriptions, great guests and an all-night programme in several venues. The evening is changing: we'll keep you updated!
OIEE's guests:
M3nsa (UK), Sena, Kiss Flóra, Saiid, Zentai Márk, Nóvé Soma, Horváth Hanna, Boros Levente, Szeifert Bálint, Ifj. Tóth István, Ocsovay Damján, Sárkány Bertalan, WaTa, Antonia Vai, Zahár Fanni
Other performers:
Freakin' Disco, Iamyank (Rave Set), Palo Canto, Lenkke_, Falcao, Maron, MΣO CULPA X Zakhorov, Badfocus (CZ), Syndanz, Zsüja, Petros, Varga Dániel
Visual performers:
Karcis Gábor (vizuálok), Szabó Péter Róbert (színpadtervezés), Barna Nóra, Móritz Dániel (tánc), Kalászi Benjámin, Főző Lili, Nádházi Lajos (grafikai tervezés)
Dürer Garden
Recently moved from its original location, the Dürer is a staple of Budapest's metal scene. But don't be scared, it's worth a visit even if you just want to have a couple of drinks by the Danube. From spring, of course.