The "Paris! The Show" tells the audience a captivating story set in the magical city of Paris. We follow Emily, a young American girl on her way to fame and a career as an artist, as she makes her way through the winding streets of Montmartre. There she meets the legendary Edith Piaf, with whom she forms a close bond. Later, as Emily wanders the vibrant streets of Pigalle, she finds herself alongside Charles, whose singing evokes the heartbeat of the city. This spectacular production, direct from France, pays homage to the greatest French songs of the post-war era. With an exceptional cast and a sensational live orchestra, the show transports audiences from the cobbled streets of Montmartre to the big stages of Parisian cabarets, immersing them in the rich heritage of French music.
With over 600 performances in more than 50 countries and one million tickets sold, the "Piaf! The Show" is the eternal success of French music. Now, producer and director Gil Marsalla presents a brand new masterpiece inspired by the unparalleled success of the Netflix series and infused with the timeless charm of Parisian style and sophistication. Join us for Paris The Show, where music, romance and the spirit of Paris come together in an unforgettable theatrical journey.
Erkel Theatre
Az Erkel Színház, Népopera néven 1911. december 7-én nyitotta meg kapuit. A többször is átalakított épület 1951 és 2007, valamint 2013 óta a Magyar Állami Operaház második játszóhelyeként funkcionál. Megnyitása óta az ország legnagyobb nézőterével büszkélkedhet, jelenleg 1819 ülőhellyel várja a közönséget.