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Lövétei Lázár László-est



The József Attila and Babérkoszorú award-winning László Lövétei Lázár, who resides in the village of Sândominic (Csíkszentdomokos, Romania), constitutes a unique splash of colour on the palette of Hungarian literature. As the editor-in-chief of the Miercurea Ciuc journal Székelyföld, this outstanding lyricist, who was born in 1972, enjoys a highly informed perspective on contemporary literary feats and trends in Transylvania. In addition to his own life, his eclectically rich career and his numerous published works, this event will also feature a discussion of the benefits and disadvantages of being a Hungarian poet and writer living beyond the country’s borders.


Müpa Budapest

Müpa Budapest is one of Hungary's best-known cultural brands and one of the most modern cultural institutions, bringing together different artistic disciplines in a unique way: it hosts classical, contemporary, light, jazz and world music, opera, new circus, dance, literature and film.

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