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Hét Karinthy és…



Though Frigyes Karinthy did not enjoy being pigeonholed as a writer of humorous texts, he undoubtedly reigned supreme in this field in his own era. Remarkably, many of his descendants have also become major artists, further enriching our associations with the Karinthy name. Silliness and a predestination for funny stories could be seen as the Karinthy legacy. Müpa Budapest's Karinthy evening will bring the kind of family members and events to life that not even the literary historians will have written about. As an authentic source, Frigyes Karinthy's great-granddaughter will tell stories and sing. She will be supported on stage by his great-great grandchildren.


Müpa Budapest

Müpa Budapest is one of Hungary's best-known cultural brands and one of the most modern cultural institutions, bringing together different artistic disciplines in a unique way: it hosts classical, contemporary, light, jazz and world music, opera, new circus, dance, literature and film.

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