Mihály Víg acoustic recital at Bem Cinema
Mihály Víg acoustic recital at Bem Cinema

Because we have never had this before, but now we have the honour to welcome Mihály Víg, who has many ties to Bem, to our cinema with an all-night acoustic concert.
The show can include any song Mihály feels like playing: from the well-known Balaton, Trabant, Európa Kiadó hits to legendary Tamás Cseh covers to the astonishingly powerful Endre Ady poems set to music. And maybe a little Hungaria.
And to make the experience complete, the documentary OTT TORONY VOLT: VÍG MIHÁLY-PORTRÉ will be screened in the cinema before the concert from 16:00, and afterwards you can enjoy the cult film ESSKIMÓ ASSZONY FÁZIK, which starts at 21:00.
Thursday 27 February at 19:00
Ticket price: 3,500 Ft
Tickets are not seat reserved, reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open approximately 5 minutes before the screening.
Tickets available:
1) On site from 15:00 to 21:00 on weekdays and from 13:00 to 21:00 on weekends
2) Online:
Bem Cinema
In January 2016, the 108-year-old Bem Cinema will reopen its doors to the public, in a new way never seen before in Hungary: as a cinema of cult and classic films (no harm!), or as the educated French say (if you know your English): as a "repertory cinema".