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Regős István: "Nyaralók"

2023-10-31T17:00:00.000Z  -  2023-12-06T19:00:00.000Z

2023\ On Tuesday, 31 October, at 18:00, we welcome everyone to the opening of the exhibition of István Regős' lithography portfolio of Holidaymakers.

The exhibition will be opened by Péter Antalffy, historian

"My newest series of lithographs deals with the type of summer houses on the shores of Lake Balaton in the 60s and 70s.

In another sense, the word also refers to the builder and user.

From a sociological point of view, it is interesting for me to see how the citizens of the state were able to create their relative well-being within the narrow framework of the state structure, using survival strategies.

The titles of the individual pictures are familiar concepts often referred to, and also evoke the 'cloudless' years before the regime change.

These buildings represented the cutting-edge design approach of the time, but now seem a little dusty, their distinctive style a characteristic building monument of the late Kádár era."

István Regős




WOP Gallery

Works on paper művekre specializálódott kereskedelmi galéria, restaurátor műhely és keretező stúdió együttműködése.

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