József Pállay: Frequencies
Opening of the exhibition by Dr. Cs. János Tóth, art writer
Katalin Szántó, flutist
The exhibition is open until 2 December.
Location: temporary exhibition space of Magdolna Courtyard
József Pállay painter exhibition: Frequencies
Exhibition opening date: Friday 13 October at 18.00
Ars Poetica: "I just stand and paint. I strive for the optimum minimum and look for symbolic motifs."
József Pállay is a painter and art teacher who has taught visual culture at the Antal Nagy Antal High School in Buda since 1988. In 1993, he was awarded the Teacher of the Year award by the local government in our district. In the 1980s, he painted mainly abstract pictures, but for many years he has been using various formal and technical solutions, sometimes carefully, elaborately, and naturally, sometimes he paints in a rough, sketchy way, putting colours on canvas, and his depictions are symbolic and symbolic. His subjects are varied, his use of colour is rich, and his ideas are often quite innovative. He likes to experiment.
He retired on 4 June this year and devoted all his time to painting.
Magdolna Courtyard
Since December 2013, the Klauzál Gábor Budafok-Tétény Cultural Centre has been the premises of the Cave House Memorial House.