The philosophy of wine

2023-11-16T23:00:00.000Z  -  2023-11-29T23:00:00.000Z

independent evening



Friday, November 17, 2023
  • 18:30-21:00
    The philosophy of wine
Saturday, November 18, 2023
  • 18:30-21:00
    The philosophy of wine
Thursday, November 30, 2023
  • 18:30-21:00
    The philosophy of wine

The philosophy of wine is a very special monologue. It is like a real pearl: crystal clear, noble, with a message, seriousness, but also playfulness. It is hard work to bring it up from the depths, just as in this text you have to go deep.

The author of the monologue, Béla Hamvas, is one of the most exciting Hungarian thinkers of the 20th century, who has had a truly difficult fate, yet he has never broken. His monologue is primarily about wine, its enjoyment, pleasure and cultural significance, but it is also about much more than that: about nation, faith, personal and social values, norms, in fact, about life as a whole. Hamvas's delicious text, interpreted by Attila Szatmári, is truly spice for the body and soul!

Director: János Zalán


Pesti Magyar Színház

The Hungarian Theatre was built in 1897, and has been renovated several times, so between 1966 and 2000 the National Theatre company played in the building. During this period, the directors were Béla Both, Endre Marton, Péter Nagy, János Sziládi, Dezső Malonyai, Imre Csiszár, László Ablonczy, István Iglódi. Its repertoire consisted of classical and contemporary masterpieces of Hungarian and world literature. The artistic directors and directors were Tamás Major, Endre Marton, István Egri, Gábor Székely, Gábor Zsámbéki, Tamás Ascher, Imre Csiszár, László Vámos, Imre Kerényi, Ferenc Sík, István Iglódi, Csaba Ivánka, Géza Bodolay, Miklós Szurdi. Since 2000, the Hungarian Theatre of Pest has been playing within its well-trodden walls, with a company of artists who have grown up in the traditions of the old National Theatre and who continue to preserve them. For a decade, István Iglódi was the director of the theatre, during this period the directors were Imre Csiszár, Attila Vidnyánszky, István Pinczés, Sándor Guelmino, and the guest directors were Gábor Berényi, János Bruck, Gábor Czeizel, Sergei Masloboichikov, László Vándorfi. Áron Őze became the director of the theatre, Sándor Guelmino the artistic director and Imre Sipos the manager. János Zalán took over the management of the theatre on 1 January 2015.

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