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Pikodopa Presents: Psychedelic Rave night with Avalon, Menog, Regan and Yabba Dabba


Dear Friends!!

Get ready for an electrifying night in Budapest on March 30th as we revive the ultimate psychedelic experience after three years! Brace yourself for an unparalleled celebration featuring renowned DJs, exceptional visuals, and an atmosphere that'll send your euphoria off the charts. Picture this: a masterpiece of pulsating energy and love, leaving an indelible mark on your soul. Join us to craft an extraordinary, larger-than-life experience that will redefine legendary nights out in Budapest. Save the date and share the excitement – this is the party of a lifetime, and you wouldn't want to miss the best beats and exceptional vibes in town!



Dear Friends!!

Get ready for an electrifying night in Budapest on March 30th as we revive the ultimate psychedelic experience after three years! Brace yourself for an unparalleled celebration featuring renowned DJs, exceptional visuals, and an atmosphere that'll send your euphoria off the charts. Picture this: a masterpiece of pulsating energy and love, leaving an indelible mark on your soul. Join us to craft an extraordinary, larger-than-life experience that will redefine legendary nights out in Budapest. Save the date and share the excitement – this is the party of a lifetime, and you wouldn't want to miss the best beats and exceptional vibes in town!

Psytrance Stage

Avalon (Nano Records) / UK

Menog (Nano Records) / PT

Regan Nano (Nano Records) / SA

Psyshadeliyac (Pikodopa) / IR

Ami Nikoe (Pikodopa) / IR

Cheeky (Solar United Native)

Oleg (Solar United Native)

Forest/Dark Stage

Yabba Dabba (Sangoma Records) / FR

Dr Space (Forestdelic Records)

Varazslo (Zenovoid Records)

Toxian (Nea Records)

Alphakey (Darth frog collective)




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