Chriss Ronson
The success of Chriss Ronson could be explained by the time he spent in music history but as we can see through numerous examples the lack of being able to renew could only hold a very few within the music scene. This holds exceptionally true for the electronic scene which is all about progress and renewal since its sole existence – or about change if you like. Chriss has all these capabilities and had all along, which is brilliantly proven by his album SWITCH, as we can speak about a forward-looking album in all aspects and which stands its’ ground on international standards as much as any publication of any other famous prodcer’s latest release.
SWITCH in this sense is much more plastic in its sound, accommodates to the contemporary electornic music still not a genre release and on which you can truly feel the musicality that drove Criss during the past decades, who on the other hand could manage to create himself in the intelligent way without any manner and mannerism using his own sound to it.
In compliance with this the flow of the whole album is built on one single perfect structure owing greately to the order of tracks and their separate sets. If we want to see the personality of their creator by all means in it then we could say that Chriss Ronson truly put his personal changes into this album, effects that influenced him and of which the titles of each song tells us a bit along with the already mentioned structure. Not to mention that he could manage to make this with such mucical support as Balázs Fehér, MC Fedora, Sab Martenius or Myra Monoka who all participated in the album for a song and who are all epic figures of the Hungarian light music.
SWITCH in this sense is one Chriss Ronson’s most characteristic and most ’perceptable’ album which addresses the audience like a swtich that definitively connects the producer, the DJ with the audience and with that media that switches from reality to a different spiritual level the moment the DJ stands behind the mixer and the lights go off.