Parno Graszt

There are few authentic gypsy bands that can maintain their purity even after they have become really popular. Many forget where they came from and where they are going, and what once vibrated sincerely in the throats to the accompaniment of the instruments becomes more and more ragged and faded with time.

Fortunately, Parno Graszt is the band that has managed to retain the kindness, the simplicity and the joyfulness that most characterises their music. This band is insanely likeable, and precisely because they don't want to be anything other than what they are. They don't want to over-culture their traditional gypsy songs, because they know the energy that lies in the lethargy of their catchy melodies.

At their concerts, the atmosphere of a country pub with its pálinka-flavoured atmosphere comes alive, the carts rattle, the skirts twirl and the leaves rustle. The first time I heard them I couldn't get enough of the sight, the musicians are sanguine, the eyes glow, the hips of the singing women sway. Even if it had been a silent play, I would have watched them for hours. The jug player plays two jugs at the same time, the mouth-breathing runs are unforgettable, the lyrics are classic, and the beat will sooner or later make anyone dance.

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