Katarzyna Pastuszak

KATARZYNA PASTUSZAK is a dancer/performer, director and director of Amareya Theater & Guests, assistant professor at the Department of Stage Arts Research (Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Gdańsk), and assistant professor at CEMiPoS (Center for Environmental and Minority Policy Studies in Sapporo). Author of the book “Ankoku butō by Hijikaty Tatsumi – the theater of the body- in-crisis“ (Universitas, Krakow 2014). Since 2008, he has been regularly collaborating with Japanese artists, carrying out artistic projects in Poland and Japan. Recent performances: “Anatomie” (2021), “Home-Run-Home” 『 家 – 逃亡 -家』 (2020), “(Po) voices: Bridges between Poland and Japan” (2019), “Cztery” (2018), “Deadman Eating Watermelon” 『 ス イ カ を 食 べ る 死者 』 (2018), “Kantor_Tropy: COLLAGE” (2016), ”Nomadka” (2012). Her performances were presented, among others in Greenland, Japan, Norway, Turkey, Israel, Germany, France, Russia and at many festivals in Poland. Since 2017, she has been cooperating with Menoko Mosmos (Ajnu Women’s Association in Sapporo) and prof. Hiroshi Maruyama (CEMiPoS), co-creating performances with the participation of Ainu women.

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