Monika Wachowicz

Monika Wachowicz is an actress, theatre instructor, educator and theatre event organizer. She has worked for the Cogitatur Theatre, Katowice, and the Cantabile 2 Theatre, Denmark. Monika Wachowicz is involved in all productions and artistic projects of the A Part Theatre (except for the one-person plays LullabyBonds and The Rite of Spring). She coordinates the A Part Festival of Performing Arts, heads the A Part Theatre’s Actor’s Studio, curates the Interstices. Women in Performing Arts series at the Grotowski Institute, and runs the Body and Emotion Studio. In 2019 she was appointed President of the Marta Paradecka ART FOR LIFE Foundation. As a teacher of the State Academy of Theater Arts at a branch in Wrocław, she conducts acting classes for 2nd and 3nd year students.

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