Beside her pensive alterpop songs, Lenkke_ leaves room for electronic underground energies that invite you to dance. SShe brings her treks to life by singing, rapping, playing the flute and the Jew's harp and twisting potmeters, in english and hungarian lyric too. Lenkke_, aka Fehér Lili Fehér's interest in acoustic and electronic music developed in parallel, but the electonic way became the stylistic direction in which she really found herself. She started actively making music five years ago, three of which she spent at the famous Kőbánya Music Studio. In 2023, she was selected for the "Kikeltető" competition, where she was able to show her talents among other emerging talents. Her performance received a positive response from the audience and the organisers alike. As a result, she was able to perform festivals like Kolorado, Bánkito Festival and Sziget, among others.
In the autumn, following the busy summer months, she released the Gödör live session video in the magicial place of Csillebérc, followed by her 2-song debut single Gödör/Szélnek eresztett. In the autumn, he was a guest of Analog Balaton on several tour dates in the countryside.