Serbian nationality but he was born in Hungary during the change of regime.
A prominent figure in in the uderground world.
Andrija Jäger is one of the pioneers of the Hungarian underground scene.
He is the founder and owner of Minimal Art Family and ФАБРИКА КЛУБ (Fabrika Club).
Andrija plays his sets with such enthusiasm and joy, that it always puts a huge smile on people's faces. Thanks to his great connections with record labels he always brings some unreleased gems to the table. He is also a producer and creates his own music since 2009 and usually plays them as a Live Act performance.
He also stood behind the decks with such legends as Silat Beksi, Enzo Lep, Cosmjn, Clarkent, Mara Lakour, Constratti, Techu, Los Bastoneros or Sybil