Ruff On The Beat (ROTB)

Our team at Ruff On The Beat (ROTB) aims to breathe life into the world of electronic music and provide unique experiences for all those who love the pulsating beats.

Every two weeks, we present our series in the form of a mixtape and podcast. In short (20-30 minute) power mixes, you'll get a glimpse into an artist's musical arsenal and techniques. In our podcast series, you'll have the opportunity to get to know the artists much more.

As both producers and DJs, they've graced our studio. Producers have the chance to analyze their own music during the one-hour show, breaking it down into tracks, while DJs can share their experiences and insights.

Our live broadcasts are led by Banter and Fiyuu, Drum and Bass artists within the walls of Radio X.

If you find our work appealing, take a look at our Instagram page so you won't miss out!

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