Equaliser Foundation

We believe that building a career, being a leader, is our universal ability independent from our gender. Our aim is that all of us – men or women – can bring a decision about our professional path regardless of our gender.

In Hungary, almost 50% of all working citizens are women, their role in society and in our economy however does not come to 50%. In our parliament female MPs are less than one third of the EU average. In the top management of big companies, the proportion of women is less than 17%.

Equalizer Foundation’s main goal is to start and speed up the changes that are needed in order to achieve higher representation of women in decision making at companies, in politics, in the cultural, academic and scientific institutions and life in general.

We focus on 4 main areas: regulation, network and support, creating visibility for equality and diversity, and reducing and eliminating everyday sexism that holds back women and men. Equalizer Foundation wants to play a leading role in kick starting speedy change, to achieve equal opportunities at work.

We welcome everyone who embraces this goal and wants to do something for it.

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