Thomas Bernhard Bálint Bagossy – Ferenc Réder: Irritation

2024-05-04T13:00:00.000Z  -  2024-05-05T20:00:00.000Z

The subtitle of Thomas Bernhard’s novel Woodcutters is An Irritation. Our adaptation stays true to that concept by experimenting with theatre as a medium of irritation.

4 May 15:00

5 May 19:00



Our Vienna is, in the genuine meaning of the word, an artmill, indeed the largest artmill in the world, where arts and artists are likewise being finely ground, pounded into dust, no matter what that specific art or artist is like, the artmill of Vienna grinds it up completely. What its speciality is that people jump into this artmill absolutely of their free will, which then grinds them up completely, in some instances they devote a whole lifetime, struggle with unbelievable vehemency to jump into this artmill finally, they are killing each other ceremoniously to decide who is going to be the first one to jump into this artmill, which then grinds them up completely.

The creators are novice theatre-makers, who have never striven for anything else in their lives, who fought with inexplicable vehemency just to jump into the artmill. They present a tableau of their own fall into the grinder.


Trafó House of Contemporary Arts

The Trafó House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest is a unique venue in Hungary, embedded in the international contemporary scene, where different genres - theatre, dance, new circus, music and visual arts - are presented in a unique and authentic way.

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