CIE Modo Grosso (BE): Tout/Rien

2024-11-02T19:00:00.000Z  -  2024-11-03T20:00:00.000Z

How can we make people see, feel, or seek time in its purest shape? How to catch time passing by, seize it in its very movement?

2 November 20:00

3 November 17:00

3 November 20:00



This is the challenge that Alexis Rouvre and his "circus of objects" have taken up. Juggler of time, rather than gravity, inspired by the astrophysicist Carlo Rovelli: "Bodies move naturally where time passes more slowly".

Alchemist of the vanities, he composes from very simple objects - knit, chain, stone - a work of a dense poetry, opening on the reverse side of the instant, where nothing lasts but remains. A choreographic ballet of hanging objects, tumbling with humor, and crashing down the unexplored corners of our sensations.


Trafó House of Contemporary Arts

The Trafó House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest is a unique venue in Hungary, embedded in the international contemporary scene, where different genres - theatre, dance, new circus, music and visual arts - are presented in a unique and authentic way.

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