Fermented drinks - In the intoxication of summer


The drinks tasted on the course are low in alcohol content, so participants are advised to think carefully about how they arrive at the event.



The oldest surviving evidence of fermentation is 9000 years old. It is a honey wine-like drink residue found in a clay jug from Asia. The history of fermented beverages is closely linked to the history of modern humanity. The session will explore the why and how of this, both in theory and in practice.

We will also taste different flavoured kombucha, mead, kvass, amazake (young sake) and ginger bug. We will also review the place of these drinks in our culture, history and digestive system. As a tangible result, we will leave with a big bottle of our own kombucha and a free choice of starter cultures of the drinks we tasted.

Everyone is kindly asked to bring two sealable jars!

Participation is subject to registration, so please email [email protected] if you would like to come to the workshop, stating your name, course title and date.

Bring paper and writing utensils, as some of the recipes will only be given then and there.

Participation fee: £6,000, which includes the cost of ferments to take home and a 4 litre jar.

The drinks tasted at the course are low in alcohol content, so participants are asked to think carefully about how they arrive at the event.

We look forward to welcoming you,

Márton Csaba Marcell



Se nem foglaltház, se nem romkocsma, de mindenképpen olyan közösségi tér és kultúrgócpont, ami olyan egykori történelmi helyek hagyományát viszi tovább, mint a Kultiplex vagy a West Balkán.

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