
The Madagascar-based Bobo & Behaja will present a musical tradition to the audience of the House of Music's Open Air Stage in a free concert that is a true rarity even in the world of global music. The genre of tsapiky, a fusion of the rural traditions of Africa's largest island nation and modern African music, creates a unique but captivating sound with frenetic rhythms, sinuous guitar motifs and soaring saxophone. The band's two namesakes are Maxime Bobo, saxophonist of the French jazz band Electric Vocuhila, who have already performed in Hungary, and Behaja, guitarist of the Madagascan band Tsapity, which bears his name. Alongside their ensemble playing, the drummer and young singer of the group also play a key role, but this deeply rooted in tradition but very modern music is truly irresistible live, essentially impossible to listen to sitting down - you have to shake to it.



About the tsapiky genre:

Born out of the meeting of village traditions and modern African music in the late 1970s, tsapiky is a musical style whose leading instrument is the electric guitar. It is played mainly in the south-west of Madagascar, during ceremonies organised to celebrate weddings, funerals and other events, with musicians playing from dawn to dusk, even for several days.


House of Music Hungary

A music education centre and concert venue in the heart of the City Park, behind the airy futuristic glass facade of Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto.

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