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VIII. Országos Gothic Találkozó 2024

2024-09-21T16:00:00.000Z  -  2024-09-22T18:00:00.000Z

OGT, Hungary' largest meetup of the darker subcultures is back this year and is now a 2-day event!

Saturday brings local and international band to the stages of KVLT & Blue Hell, and on Sunday we welcome all to our free picnic, where local artisans, galleries and similar events await you.



First day:

Doors: 18:00

Blue Hell

18:30 Utolsó Vércsepp

19:50 Cold Contrast

21:10 Itinera

22:30 Phal:Angst (AU) (

00:10: Farba Kingdom (RO)


19:10 Barking Babies

20:30 Crow Black Dream

21:50 VIDAL

23:20 Utolsó Hullám

00:40 After Party // LVCRETIA x SURG3 x Cadavr

Second day:

Doors: 14:00

Dürer meadow: Piknik & Grill

Fotelroom: Gothic Galéria a szcéna ismert és feltörekvő művészeitől

Dance room: Dark Lounge

Artisan's bazaar

Boardgame corner

More events to be announced soon!

Attendance at the picnic and the subsequent events is free!

[We reserve the right to changes in the event]

Ticket Pre-sales soon!

[We reserve the right to changes in the event]


Supersonic Blue Hell & KVLT, Kék Yuk

This club has started as "Blue Hole / Red Hole" and it's the oldest, still operating concert spot in Budapest.

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