Per Petterson


Per Petterson's prose speaks with poignant honesty about divorce, family trauma and social loneliness. It is as if each of his novels explores the same stories from a different perspective, yet each line holds something unexpected. Her recurring characters, the often seemingly aimless movements of Arvid Jansen and the others, prompt the reader to reconsider what he or she has taken for granted. The monologuing and restrained narrative voice meditatively shares just as much information as it feels it needs, through memory and associations. In Petterson's books, we glimpse both individual fates and the everyday life of Norwegian society, and with each novel new depths are revealed.



Thanks to the Scolar publishing house, the author of the award-winning biographical novels Siberia, I Curse the Stream of Time, The Lottery Thieves, I Refuse and Men in My Position will have a new book published in September, entitled Ashes in Her Mouth, Sand in Her Shoes. And PesText Festival brings you the distinguished Norwegian writer, who will be in conversation with Ádám Vajna.


Három Holló

Contemporary culture at the Pest foot of the Elisabeth Bridge.

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