Vincenzo Latronico


On the surface, in perfect order, Anna and Tom's belongings, a few sophisticated pieces of clothing, the indispensable accessories of the web designer's digital lifestyle, laptops, and the lush, lush plants that are showing well on the Instagram, lie in a super-priced Berlin apartment.



Vincenzo Latronico's The Perfection gives us a taste of the lifestyle of the increasingly popular expat, through the everyday life of an Italian couple living in Berlin.

The narrator, with his seemingly detached tone, skilfully transports the reader from a love story to something else entirely. The book is more like a mix of a socially critical diary and a documentary novel, raising generational and global issues that affect us all.

The Berlin-based author's first book is often associated with Georges Perec's The Things and Annie Ernaux's The Years (the former is also referred to by the author himself). Perfection is published by Magvető Publishing in an insightful and sensitive translation by Anna Todero, and will be discussed by Krisztián Puskár at PesTex.


Három Holló

Contemporary culture at the Pest foot of the Elisabeth Bridge.

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