EURÓPA KIADÓ double club concert, guest: no exit


The two concerts will take the form of a split monstrel show, which means that there will be no overlap between the Friday and Saturday events. As such, however, the two days will also feature a number of long-unheard EC songs. The evening will be opened on both days by the band Not Exit.

Founded in the early 1980s and based around Jenő Menyhárt, guitarist-singer-director of the Europa Kiadó, the pioneering Hungarian alternative pop group has become legendary. During its nearly 40 years of existence, the band has had many emblematic line-ups, and currently, in addition to Jenő Menyhárt, it includes János Bujdosó, András Kálmán, András Koroknay and Lajos Gyenge.

In 2020 the band recorded their new album "Love 2020", which was finally released in October 2021. Their most recent material is "Apocalypse Taken Lightly".

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Lóránt Kabai† poet and Tamás Csigó (Beat Dis) formed the band "nem kijárat" (the title of Kabai's 2003 book) while drinking beer after a Beat Dis concert. In the band, Csigó was joined by Enikő Hodosi (Manoya, Neo) singer, Gábor Putz guitarist, András Major bassist and Norbert Nagy Sándor drummer. The alt-pop band - although its lyricist, who was considered a member of the band, passed away - released its first album in 2023 and now continues to work in honour of his work. Tamás Csigó, the band's leader, has asked Csaba Kabai, Zoltán Kabai and young people who came out of the Szöveggyár, a camp for high school students that he also runs, to write the lyrics for the new songs.

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Saturday, November 23, 2024
  • 19:00-23:00
    EURÓPA KIADÓ double club concert, guest: no exit 2.

Gate opening 19:00

Start 20:00

DAY TICKET in advance: 5400 HUF / on the day: 6000 HUF

Ticket for both days: 9000 HUF

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General information:

Date: 22/23/11 I gate opening 19:00 I start 20:00

Location. 19.

Access: by public transport: 2 minutes walk from tram stop 4/6 Király utca towards Erzsébet tér I 10 minutes walk from Deák tér towards Teréz körút I by car: parking on the street (only in designated parking spaces)

Free entrance for children under 10 years

Please use the designated terrace for smoking and airing, where you can also take your glasses outside!


Gödör Klub

Subcultural meeting point, live music venue, community space, contemporary pub.

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