

Formed in 1998, Bëlga has been performing continuously since 1999 and has so far produced 14 albums, one live album, two remix albums, a karaoke DVD and many videos. Bëlga is made up of DJ Titusz, Még5, Bauxit and Tokyo, as well as DJ Marvin and MC Fedora. Their music is for everyone from 0-100 years old. Bëlga has performed on the main stages of all major festivals (Sziget, Félsziget, Volt, Balatonsound, EFOTT, Fishing on Orfű, Campus, SZIN, MEN, Vibe, Pannonia, Hegyalja, etc.) and in the autumn-spring period they play sold-out club concerts all over the country.



Since 2016, the band has been filling the Akvárium Club with double concerts, they have given special performances at the Palace of Arts, Katona József Theatre, Trafó and Millenáris Park, and have also performed abroad (Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, France, Ireland, Belgium). They have appeared on television in Friderikusz's Freedom of Speech and András Hajós's Private Number. Two major documentary films (Propaganda, Partizán) have been made about the band's history, and their work has been recognised by the industry with Fonogram, Viva Comet and Hungarian Klipszemle awards.



Veszprém legismertebb és legnagyobb szórakozóhelye az Expresszó, mely az év minden szakában változatos és színes kulturális, könnyűzenei programokkal várja a látogatókat, valamint az elektronikus zene kedvelői is elmerülhetnek hétvégente a veszprémi éjszakai életben. Az ifjúsági szórakozóhely Veszprém belvárosában helyezkedik el a Hangvilla Multifunkcionális Közösségi Tér alsó szintjén található épületrészében.

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