Lúdas Matyi


children's performance


Gábor Németh

Péter Puskás


Richárd Borbély

Győző Szabó Gyula


László Sánta

Set design

Balázs Röthler


László Ruzicska

Mother-in-law / Madam

Brigitta Borbély

Hajdú 1.

Ádám Czakó

Hajdú 2.

Benkő Bence

Fair folk

Ágoston Máté, Balog Tímea, Bebesi-Horváth Kata, Eszlári Judit, Grimm Zsuzsanna, Havasi Tamás, Márton Fruzsina, Náray-Kovács Zsombor, Nemes Krisztina, Pálinkás Márton, Pozsgai Zoltán



The story is based on the work of Mihály Fazekas, the tale is old, but the approach is completely new, as György Schwajda wrote the story from the perspective of the geese. Here, everything and everyone is "made of geese". The characters change from goose to human according to the needs of the play. The main goose - called Galiba - is the driving force behind the plot and even the set is 'shaped' by a goose. It is a play full of humour and twists, with excellent music. This hilarious play is great fun for the little ones, and in the Madách theatre tradition, parents will have a great time too.


Madách Theater

There is still an “era” in the Madách Theater. The era of the rise and success of musical theater. The change began in 1983 with Cats, whose decades-long series of success provided a solid foundation for the next defining step: the legendary 2003 performance of The Phantom of the Opera. Both performances were directed by Tamás Szirtes, who was elected director of the Madách Theater in 2004. Under his direction, the Madách Theater embarked on a path that has resulted in a successful musical theater of outstanding quality. World-famous musicals line up in his program, which are usually in large blocks, so-called they are staged according to the en suite playing order, and each performance remains on the show for years. The basic aim of the theater is to give the viewer the same experience even after 10 years as at the premiere.

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