The Last Refuge – Bukowski Poems


The performance draws inspiration from the poetry of Charles Bukowski. It is composed of writings from the 2013 collection Vegyes felvágott, translated by Péter Pritz.



The book is currently unavailable, so those unfamiliar with these poems will have the chance to experience them through an authentic interpretation.

This performance conveys the true power, nuances, and richness of Bukowski's poetry, where authenticity, literature, and classical music hold equal weight. It is at once shocking and vulgar, crushing and uplifting, weary of life yet life-affirming, laced with dry humor and painfully honest.

Performed by:

Hajduk Károly

More von dir – Cello Duo

Kertész Endre & Rátkay Áron

Directed by: Zsalakovics Anikó

Ticket reservation & registration:

[email protected]

Admission: 3500 HUF


Budapest, Nagymező u. 25, 1065

Photo: Dusa Gábor



Red-tinted nightclub. David Lynch would approve.

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