Pulse Workshop at the Manyi


The boys have been practising for many, many years the more and more brilliant cadences to run their melodies around them in such a way that, placed in a complex rhythmic universe, it is impossible to sing or dance to them, or even to clap or move a foot. The beauty of sublime art is that it is complex and incomprehensible.



So many times we have found understanding and attentive ears at Manyi, for which we are very grateful.

But now we're addressing those who in the past would have liked to at least move their feet while the music played.... They might even have tried bending their knees in time to the beat, to see if the rhythm would feel better. Maybe they felt the urge to jump up from their chairs and dance for joy at a wild solo. Come on, let's get the winter out of our feet and the boogie in.

The question we asked ourselves: Where do the two rivers meet, where our favourite music genres and BULIZATION flow together?

On this wonderful evening, the boys will play a line-up you've never heard before.

Barnabás Bolyki - vocals, effects

Botond Horváth - Guitar

Botond Kalmár - Keyboards

Horváth Máté - Drums

Free entry!



Se nem foglaltház, se nem romkocsma, de mindenképpen olyan közösségi tér és kultúrgócpont, ami olyan egykori történelmi helyek hagyományát viszi tovább, mint a Kultiplex vagy a West Balkán.

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