Upload your event yourself!


Our page will guide you through the steps to display your event. You can upload a new event after registering on the site, under edit content. More details are below.



Location: You can select the location of the event from the drop-down if it is already uploaded, if it is not already there you can add it yourself in the Content Editor.

The cover image should be a cubic image.

You need to set at least one event category: if you can't find the right one for the event in the drop-down, set the uncategorized one and let us know what you would like to set.

Entering a program element is optional, program element options are e.g.: act program breakdown, lineup, and other program elements. You can also link to the performers' social channels here.

Event title, summary, and detailed description in at least one language are mandatory, but we recommend you also use the HU/ENG buttons to add the English description. Attention! If you fail to provide the English description, users who use the English version of the site will receive the following warning:

"Sorry for the missing translation! The uploader didn't provide an English description."

The saved event will then be moderated by the editorial team. This process, which takes up to 36 hours, will check for discriminatory content (e.g. gender, age), obscene language, phone number, and e-mail address. If so, these will be deleted and the person who posted the content will be notified by e-mail at their registered e-mail address.



Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

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