Vad Fruttik


Blue is the colour of sea and sky, associated with open spaces and imagination and spaciousness - endless blueness on 3 May in Budapest Park!



Vad Fruttik is a Hungarian alternative rock band. They gained national fame in 2005. Their first studio album, Rózsikámnak digitalan, was released in 2006. Two years later they released another album (One Night in Bohemia), followed by Fénystopposok in 2010 and Darabok in 2013. Another two years later, they released their album I Know What It's Like, and in 2017, they rearranged 11 of their earlier songs into electronic sound, HighTech. The following year, they released their album Free.Or, followed by Separate in December 2022.


Budapest Park

Budapest Park, the biggest and coolest open air concert venue of the city hosts the cream of the crop in foreign and domestic mainstream music every year. At first glance, it might seem like the Park is very much out of town, but this is far from the truth - and since the soundsystem was completely renovated last season, we can only recommend the venue even more.

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