Esti Kornél


The first mini-festival in the history of Kornél Esti takes place on 9 May in Budapest Park. Join us for the all-night event, then stay together into the night!

We're going to have a 100-minute 'proper' rocking, howling concert, where we'll evoke the atmosphere of the 'I Stayed in the Night' album for a few songs, with classical music accompaniment and a special show.



The programme opens with a mysterious guest performance, but who and what are the Kornél Nappali All Stars? We will soon find out. We wouldn't be late for the opening band if we were you.

And we weren't joking about the title, we'll be in Budapest Park and in the night, because after the concert, the members of Esti Kornél will be taking turns behind the DJ booth until late into the night. Late night audience meeting? Anything is possible.

Grab your tickets and leave reality outside! We'll make sure you don't want to go back.


Budapest Park

Budapest Park, the biggest and coolest open air concert venue of the city hosts the cream of the crop in foreign and domestic mainstream music every year. At first glance, it might seem like the Park is very much out of town, but this is far from the truth - and since the soundsystem was completely renovated last season, we can only recommend the venue even more.

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