The Analysis (Company) - Literary Encounters with Myself series by Anna Juhász (literary writer) and Lili Rácmolnár (psychologist) in K11.

The literary-psychological evenings of Analysis focus on our most common experiences, the processes that shape our lives, the states of mind. Madness, sexuality, addiction, illness, crisis, loss, joy, love, fulfillment and death - how do we experience emotional liminal states, how does our mind process good and bad, and what do our readings tell us about this? Let's meet monthly and explore the darker side of the human soul, the depths and the heights - in others and in ourselves.
The fifth session, in February, will focus on illness.
Tickets in advance: 1.500 HUF, before the programme at the venue: 2.500 HUF.
K11 Labor
K11 Labor, established in January 2022 as part of the K11 Arts and Cultural Centre, is an inclusive space that aims to bring contemporary art and design closer to the city's audience through thematic exhibitions and other programmes."