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The store is home to DAIGE, the Mama Kin and home brands such as Greenway, Vengru, This is Redy and Hype&Hyper. Repertory was created with the intention of creating a space where objects and plants can coexist on the beauty-comfort axis, even in our homes. When you step inside, you will feel that everything is an integral part of the whole, you will find yourself in a tiny secret oasis that anyone can take a piece of home. The space functions as a fusion shop, where our clothes, jewellery and plants are complemented by a selection of fresh creatives and authentic brands that fit our aesthetic. We believe in quality, authenticity and comfort, but we also love gags and a nice irony.

We think it's important to show something new month after month, so we try to explore and collaborate. We also regularly create new pieces to expand the seasonal collections of our own brands. We want the shop to be a place you'll want to return to again and again, whether it's for a beautiful object, a second breathing plant that you've managed to keep alive! We welcome you all!

Upcoming events

Past events