Hadik Café

The Hadik Café was at its peak in the 1910s, when Karinthy, Kosztolányi, Déry, Móricz and Aranka Bőhm regarded the place as their living room. In 2010, the Hadik House was revived in its original splendour with two catering and cultural spaces: the classic Hadik Café, designed to honour the spirit of its great predecessors, and the Szatyor Bar and Gallery, which reinterprets the bohemian world of the turn of the century in a more progressive, contemporary atmosphere. Both places have a strong and quality gastronomy and a cultural profile. The Hadik and the Satoyor are the permanent home of literary evenings, art talks, musical performances and exhibitions, which we hope will revive the long sought-after café and cultural life of which the Hadik was one of the strongest bastions in its heyday.

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