Electronic Beats: Kisnánai vár w/ Carson Coma, New Fossils


Have you ever wondered what it's like to spend the afternoon strolling through the walls of a medieval castle, which at one point was even in the hands of the Turks? This is definitely the time to experience it, as the Heves stop of the Festival of Telecoms is hosted by Kisnana Castle, which has stood confidently at the foot of the Mátra since the 12th century and where, according to legend, a dragon once lived.

Natural wines from the area and food prepared from local ingredients by the slow food movement will be accompanied by the bohemian acoustic trio of Carson Coma, Loophia, who translate soul into Hungarian alter pop, and New Fossils.

In addition to the concerts, the most professional hosts of the nature-themed daytime parties will bring a bite of Santsat to the castle, with founder Adis OK and Telemala and Maron, who mainly plays from records, will be spinning the upbeat tune until 10pm, so as not to disturb the rest of the dragon that, according to the story, sleeps in a well.




18:00-18:45 LOOPHIA

19:15-20:15 NEW FOSSILS

21:00-22:00 CARSON COMA


14:00-17:00 KIQO+MAROSI

17:00-18:30 TELEMALA

18:30-20:00 ADIS IS OK

20:00-22:00 MARON

The party is free, but there's a condition to get in: activate your ticket free of charge in the Magenta Moments section of the Telekom App - you're entitled to redeem 3 tickets with one subscription, so you can bring two friends! To activate a ticket, you need 30 ♡.


Kisnana Castle and Folk Monument

For two centuries it was the property of the Kompolti family, who built their first noble manor house here in 1325. When they died out, the Losonczy family acquired it. After the fall of Buda, the Turks also destroyed Kisnana.  Legend has it that László Móré, the notorious robber baron, threw gold among the soldiers of the Pasha of Buda during the Turkish siege, with the intention that while the soldiers were still collecting the gold, he could escape in disguise. The ruse failed, the Turks captured him and he became a prisoner of the Seven Towers. Moor's wealth was said to be hidden in the castle's secret cellar system, but it was never recovered.

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