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Egy életem: Mucsi Zoltán



Life really does write the script here.

Kapa. A country calls it that. Almost everyone knows and loves him. But his career didn't get off to an easy start.

He studied to be a locksmith, but he really wanted to be a footballer. In an unexpected turn he became an assistant actor at the Szolnok Szigligeti Theatre. He says that the theatre ate him up: for 15 years he hardly left its walls. He struggled his way up from one-liners to leading roles. Soon the "big world" took notice of him: he moved to Pest, where he got a string of leading roles in theatre and film. He met Peter Scherer and the legendary Kapa-Pepe duo took off. And since then he has been on the road almost non-stop.

This evening, Zoltán Mucsi will stand up in front of the audience and tell the most important stories of his life. Not in a bloody serious way, of course, but in a "Kapa" way. From his childhood in Abony to his newspaper delivery job in Szolnok, from dramatic roles to electrician scenes, from Jancsó films to János Tóth. Of course he also talks about his private life and his family, without whom his life would not be complete.

Warning, dangerously funny content!

Length of performance: 90 min


Thália Theatre

In the Thália Theatre, the focus is on light-hearted entertainment, in the spirit of the "Pest Broadway" of Nagymező Street. The Thália Winter Garden, inaugurated in 2019, is a little more serious, while the Arizona Studio is home to independent productions. In 2017, the capital reaffirmed its confidence in the management, with Gábor Kálomista applying for the post of managing director and Géza Bereményi as an advisor.

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