EDR x Thursday Techno | Semester Closing | Toldi


► 7th December

Erasmus Dark Rave - Semester closing - Thursday Techno @Toldi

After a boiling semester with memorable events, we are finally reaching the end of it on the 7th December. Come dance one last time till the end of the night with us and the DJ's in our beloved Toldi.



► What is EDR

Founded in 2017 by a collective of Erasmus DJ's who wanted to provide an alternative to the mainstream music student party, EDR has been since that aiming to promote the best of Budapest local scene and techno music, in a family-like atmosphere on the Thursdays.

Over the years, EDR became an institution in Hungary with more than 120 different DJs from all over the world playing for EDR in more than 20 different venues

► Line-up:

Freek (NE)

Sc: https://soundcloud.com/imafreek

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/paul.freek/

Roses (NE)

Sc: https://soundcloud.com/rosess_music

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/roses_bram/

Plümo (DE) (Schall&Rauch)

Sc: https://soundcloud.com/pluemo

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/kennstdupluemo/


Jax (DE)

Sc: https://soundcloud.com/user-714720876-604366045

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/jaxs861/

El Kolbo (DE)

Sc: https://soundcloud.com/el_kolbo

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/elkolbo_/

Super Early Bird: 1500 Ft

Early Bird: 2000 Ft

Pre-sale: 2500 Ft

Last minute / At the door: 3000 Ft



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